Wednesday, September 9, 2009

year architectural design

The project-based design investigations and proposals documented in this book were undertaken within the framework of the design thesis streams offered in final year of the undergraduate Bachelor of Architecture program at RMIT in Melbourne. They represent the culmination of five years of undergraduate study within the professional architecture degree.

The final year design thesis structure is divided into consecutive pre-major project and major project semesters. A number of pre-major design studios are offered that provide students with a framework to engage with different design research methodologies and design questions relevant to a useful range of areas of architectural enquiry. Some pre-major groups are more directed in their focus on certain research methods and some are more facilitative, providing a framework for students to develop their own positions. Students ballot for a place in each group based on their interests and affinities.

Pre-major design studio teaching teams involve a mix of academic staff and practitioners who take a group of students through the initial process of defining and testing the focus and scope of their individual major project design proposals. Supervision of each student’s final major project design thesis involves a mix of individual or group supervision by staff involved in the pre-major semester.

One role that this book plays is to provide a published archive of the spread of exemplary major project design thesis outcomes produced over the past two years. Documentation of each student’s design project proposals incorporate exegetical text and other representations such as diagrams that outline the research questions and investigations and selective frame the relevance of their design response to these concerns.

This approach to undergraduate scholarship foreshadows and provides a pathway to the model of project-based design research undertaken in the postgraduate Masters and PhD programs offered within the School of Architecture + Design. The RMIT Architecture program has for the past fifteen years fostered a postgraduate mode of study and assessment relevant to the discipline where research embodied within integrative design outcomes is selectively framed and communicated through exegetical text and representations

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